Our Love Story
First time we met
You know when you meet someone for the first time and there's just that instant feeling of connection? You're not sure what it is, or even why it's happening, but you feel energy - vibrance - happiness - like you're a better version of yourself when you're around them? Yeah....It was like that.
First date
As is typical, the first few times we hung out was with friends. It calms the nerves, removes pressure, and you have an escape plan 😉 Pride Boston was our debut as a couple. We knew we wanted more, but it was wayyy too soon to admit it. Add in some apple picking, Fall adventures, more trips to Boston, and halloween pumpkin spectaculars and before you know it, we were counting the days until we could do it again.
It HAD to be EPIC, and it was! Waterplace Park, Rhode Island - May 23, 2021. Kelly was greeted by a flashmob as she was led to the Basin by her friend (and our officiant!) Laura Netherwood, surrounded by friends and family, although she was too distracted to notice them. The dancers performed to music cut together from a few of our songs. Photographers, videographers, and even a drone captured every moment perfectly. After the proposal, we celebrated at The Capital Grille in Providence - our favorite date night spot! Scroll down to watch the proposal video!
It's been an adventure so far! We've been busy keeping up with regular life stuff, like everyone else, but do our best to protect time to be together to enjoy these moments, and plan the perfect day to share with you all! We've got some amazing details planned!